Our Foundational Principles
The focus of the Center is determined and guided based on the following principles:
The Bible is the Holy Word of God and the written source of His truth. The Holy Spirit is our Helper in understanding the Word of God and teaching the truth to our hearts and minds. Therefore, both sources will be utilized together at all times to determine and guide the teachings at the Center.
Following the example set by the early Christian church, small groups and one-on-one discipling will always be used in teaching to maximize effectiveness.
Discipling is the primary task of the center. The goals of the teaching will be threefold: to build up the body of Christ and restore them from devastation; to prepare the road for Christ's return through equipping His children with the truth for spiritual warfare; and, to remove obstacles that distance individual believers from Christ in their personal relationship with Him. Therefore, all Center participants will be considered "disciples."
All Center resources, financial or other, are God's. Therefore, every penny given to the Center will be spent as directed by God's Word, including caring for widows and orphans, caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, caring for those in prison, and providing for the needs of the apostles, missionaries and saints.
Every "gathering together" of Christians is an act of worship. Therefore, each meeting will follow the order set down by the Apostle Paul, and chaos and disorder are prohibited.
As we study and grow and listen for God's instruction, these principles will be expanded and added to when indicated. However, the foundational truths will be unchanging, as is God's Holy Word.
Statement of Faith
We believe in the inspiration, infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible; in the triune nature of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; in God the Creator of all things; in the deity and sinless life of Jesus Christ; in the substitutionary atonement of the death of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Jesus Christ; in salvation by grace through faith, apart from the works of man, a gift from God freely given; in the ministry and presence of the Holy Spirit in the world today to convict us of righteousness and sin, to teach and empower, and to lead us to the truth; and in the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
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