The Process of Development
We appreciate your patience as we complete these resource pages to share with you helpful information for your use at home. We are also in the process of developing resources you can order from the Center as you explore your walk with Jesus Christ as His disciple. For more information, you can contact us by e-mail at, or phone us at (770)985-6011.
A Prisoner of Lies
Jesus has come to proclaim freedom for the captives, to heal the brokenhearted and release the prisoners from darkness. (Isaiah 61)
Resource 1: A List of Lies
The "father of lies" tries to keep us in bondage to our past through false interpretations connected to strong emotional responses. These "lies" we believe can come from two sources: what we call "imposition wounds" which are painful intrusions into our lives; eg., physical or sexual abuse; or "deprivation wounds" which arise from a systematic lack or absence of something in our lives; eg., abandonment by a parent, overall lack of love, etc.
Deprivation Lies
Abandonment lies: "I am all alone;" "There is no one to protect me;" "I can't trust;" "All good things will be lost;" "God has forsaken me." Rejection lies: "I don't matter;" "I am not loved;" "I am not needed;" "I am not wanted;" "God doesn't love me." Shame lies: "I deserved it;" "I'm bad;" "I'm not loveable;" "It is all my fault;" "I should've done something about it." Hopeless lies: "It is never going to change;" "there is no hope for anything good for me;" "I have no reason to live."
Aletheia Christian Counseling
Imposition Lies
Powerless lies: "I am too weak;" "There is no way out;" "I am overwhelmed;" "The pain is too much to bear;" "Everything is out of control;" "I have to do it myself, but I can't do anything about it." Invalidation lies: "I am worthless and unimportant;" "I am not acceptable;" "I can never be good enough;" "I can never please them;" "I am a failure;" "God couldn't love me." Tainted lies: "I am dirty because of what happened to me;" "I will never feel clean again;" "My life is ruined;" "I will always be damaged goods;" "No one will ever be able to love me;" "Everyone can see my dirtiness." Fear lies: "If I trust I will die;" "It is just a matter of time before it happens again;" "If I let them get close to me, they will hurt me too;" "Doom is around the corner; "God can't help me."
Aletheia Christian Counseling
The View is Bleak
Someone who believes deprivation lies will feel fearful, empty, barren, despairing and alone, and will see life as bleak and hopeless.
The Truth Will Set You Free
You don't have to hold onto these lies in your heart. Bring them to Jesus, and His truth will set you free. If you need help in doing so, you are not alone. Find out more information about how Aletheia Christian Counseling can help you receive freedom through Christ from the lies you believe. |